dudley zoo 2015. I Birmingham har de en zoologisk have, hvor det ikke er dyrene, der er attraktionen! Tegnestuen Tecton anført af arkitekten Berthold Lubetkin stod i 1936 bag 12 strukturer, som stadig danner rammerne om havens forskellige dyr, selv om tidens tand har været hård ved de sprøde, modernistiske bygningsværker. Fire af dem er for nyligt blevet fuldstændig renoverede, og flere skal følge. Her er det bjørne-indhegningen, udført som et diptychon.
Hasselblad 500 c analog kamera
dudley zoo 2015. At Birmingham zoo the animals are not the main attraction. The 12 modernist structures are! Built 1936 and designed by the Tecton group with Berthold Lubetkin as the main figure Dudley zoo holds the biggest collection of buildings by these pioneers. Here is a diptychon of the bear ravine.
Hasselblad 500 c analog camera
Hasselblad 500 c analog kamera
dudley zoo 2015. At Birmingham zoo the animals are not the main attraction. The 12 modernist structures are! Built 1936 and designed by the Tecton group with Berthold Lubetkin as the main figure Dudley zoo holds the biggest collection of buildings by these pioneers. Here is a diptychon of the bear ravine.
Hasselblad 500 c analog camera