arne jacobsen 2010. fire ikoniske værker - tankstationen i skovshoved, danmarks nationalbank, simonys hus og novos fabriksanlæg på frederiksberg. sidstnævnte undergår i øjeblikket en storre ombygning, og cylinderen på billedet er nu forsvundet.
modernistisk arkitektur gennemgik mange faser gennem sidste århundrede, og når man følger i sporet af arne jacobsens produktion får man en godt overblik over dem.
hasselblad arcbody analog kamera
arne jacobsen 2010. four iconic buildings by the danish architect. one is the 1936 gas station to the north of copenhagen and the other is the novo factory complex in copenhagen. the latter was build in 3 steps in the 1930’s, 1950’s and 1960’s. the cylinder in the picture is from the fifties part, and is now demolished. the two others are the danish national bank and a small villa.
hasselblad arcbody analog camera
modernistisk arkitektur gennemgik mange faser gennem sidste århundrede, og når man følger i sporet af arne jacobsens produktion får man en godt overblik over dem.
hasselblad arcbody analog kamera
arne jacobsen 2010. four iconic buildings by the danish architect. one is the 1936 gas station to the north of copenhagen and the other is the novo factory complex in copenhagen. the latter was build in 3 steps in the 1930’s, 1950’s and 1960’s. the cylinder in the picture is from the fifties part, and is now demolished. the two others are the danish national bank and a small villa.
hasselblad arcbody analog camera